This site will feature Bible-based articles some days, silly posts and quotes at least twice a week and facts about Jack the Ripper-to begin with.

Posts tagged ‘1 John 1’

The Letters Of John-Lesson 3

The Light and Love
*1 John 1-The Particulars
Walk-way of life vs 6 “darkness”
vs 7-walking in light, cleansing-associated with repentance
vs 8-not repentant-claims have no sin, no truth
vs 9-10-confessing, don’t confess-state of darkness

*1 John 2:1-11-The Overview
Us———Love brother

The Particulars
vs 1-2-Great balance, propitiation-high priest and sacrifice
vs3-4-idea of knowing Him and equating to obedience
vs 5-6-walking in Him, keeping His word, love of God, we become perfected
vs 7-11-loving brother-darkness-don’t-light-do
Hate, envy, jealousy-blinds us

Making Decisions In Accordance With God’s Will

These are my notes on a lesson that was brought by one of the members of our congregation, David Truong.
It is hard to know God’s will.
Psalms 32:8-desire to love and guide us
Matt. 5-7 Sermon on the mount. “Ask and you shall receive, knock…open, seek…find”
Don’t worry-just go to God
Rom.12:1-2-“transform by renewing of mind”
Seek God first, then you will figure out his will. What has He revealed to let us know what He wants from us?
1Peter 1:13-“do not conform to evil desires”
vs 22-“now purified”
Psalms -“Lord, how do I live on Your holy mountain?”
Which job should I get? There’s no need to lie on resume. You will get a job. No need to impress others-Matt. 6:1-4-like the Pharisees-not for attention
Do 2 things if you are grappling with something–confess your sins and pray about it.
1 John 1:9-“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive our sins…to cleanse us”
Phil. 4:6-“Do not be anxious, in everything by prayer and supplication make your requests made known…”
Psalms-“I cried out, God has surely listened…”
Acts 2:38-39
We all have an expiration date. What can we say about our life by the time we get there?